Akadi Doctor Regrows His Hair in 30 Days Using This 1 Weird Trick
An all-natural solution to hair loss: It’s shockingly simple!
Thursday, Sep 28th, 2017
What if I said you could regrow your hair in as little as 30 days, without expensive surgery or toxic chemicals? Impossible, right? WRONG. Read on and you will discover that one, all-natural, simple technique can accomplish a medical miracle.
For the last three months, our readers have been going crazy over a product that is helping men and women regrow their hair quick and easy, without changing anything in their life. This revolutionary trick has been featured on countless popular TV shows, and proven to be safe and highly effective.
AIIMS educated, world renowned celebrity doctor, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, exposed the biggest lie the hair loss industry is trying to hide. Pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies are desperately trying to get this simple remedy banned so read on now to find out how you can naturally regrow your hair without expensive medication or painful surgery!
Dr. Gupta’s Story:
I’d always been told that my thinning hair was incurable, and I just had accept that I was going to be completely bald one day. Every single morning I woke up and went to look in the mirror, just to be disappointed by seeing my hairline receding further and further on my head.
To fight my thinning hair I tried using expensive toxic chemical serums from the pharmacy. They used to stink so bad my wife made me sleep in another room. I believe part of the reason was also that she didn't find me attractive anymore. Afterall, my receding hair line made me look 10 years older than I really was. But even with all of that work, when I brushed my hair I could still see clumps of hair falling out. My friends all told me to “get over it,” and accept that I would never get my hair back from my teenage years. Sometimes I would look at old pictures of myself, and mourn my wonderful, full head of hair.
I knew the science of hair loss all too well. I knew excess DHT was producing excess collagen which was slowly strangling my hair, robbing it of the essential nutrients it needed to grow. I also knew that I was losing a hundred hair follicles every day. That may not sound like much, but I knew with approximately 90,000 hair follicles I was only 1-2 years away from being completely bald. Time was running out and I was so depressed. My hairline continued to recede and the bald spot on the top of my head got larger with every passing day.
With that threat looming, I spent months reading everything I could find about hair loss.
Then, one Sunday night, alone at my computer, I stumbled upon a strange “Hair Restoration Trick.” I learned I could eat the extract of a delicious African fruit from the Congo that would automatically (and naturally) regrow my hair by instantly lowering my blood DHT levels, fixing the problem at its core. It works by improving health of the prostate which eliminates DHT from the blood in a natural way without all the harmful chemicals the pharmaceutical industry was pushing my way.
I searched far and wide for this obscure fruit, even asking a skilled farmer if he’d ever seen this odd-looking berry. Sadly, I kept coming up empty-handed. I went online and found a few hustlers selling it for unbelievable prices (as much as 1.5lc/kg!). Despite this I was undeterred and continued my search. It was my last hope in getting my hair back.
I eventually found a man (with a thick, full head of hair) who was leading regular excursions deep in the jungles of the Congo in Africa. I paid him a reasonable sum, and he shipped me a few grams of the fruit extract. When the shipment arrived, I was nervous but I knew I had nothing to lose. I put my new natural “cure” to the test that very night.
A week later, I looked in the mirror and was shocked—my hair was growing!
I wondered if it was a fluke—would this new hair just fall out again? To test this, I continued my new hair regimen for another week...
Amazing!—By week 2 my bald spot was filling in with new, healthy hair!
I was completely astonished: new hair growth in just 2 weeks? In all my years as a doctor and a victim of hair loss, I had never seen anything like it before.
But the amazing part was when I entered the third week of using the Hair Restoration Trick, both my wife and I were shocked to see that my hairline was restored and my hair was thicker than it had been in years! She started even started treating me differently. I'm happy to report our love lives have never been better!
Since the first time I tried it, I’ve followed this hair restoration technique religiously!
Plus, as an added “bonus,” all the young attractive women in the hospital have started flirting with me constantly, telling me how “sexy” I look with my new hair. I’ve never felt this confident in my entire life! Even my friends were shocked. They almost didn't recognize me when they saw me for the first time.
How Does This Trick Regrow Hair?
While this might sound odd and unbelievable, let me explain how this miracle cure works.
As you may know, excess Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and collagen are the main causes of hair loss. DHT drastically increases collagen production in the hair follicle. When too much collagen lines the interior of the follicle, it narrows the pores, decreases blood flow and slowly strangles your hair to death. Eventually, collagen blocks the pore completely causing a lack of necessary blood flow. First your hair loses its sheen, then it thins and finally you lose your hair completely.
Multiple studies have proven that men and women who experience thinning hair and hair loss have trouble finding well-paying jobs and attracting the opposite sex. They experience higher rates of depression, social anxiety and a lack of self confidence. Put simply: hair loss can negatively impact every aspect of your life.
But here’s where the Hair Restoration Trick works its cellular magic. With a precise calibration of nutrients, it reverses years of collagen damage—so the hair follicle can be repaired, restored and regrown.
That means reversing years of hair loss!
Determined to bring this solution to everyone who has felt the mental pain of hair loss, I put my medical license to good use. I extracted the essence of that magic fruit, condensed it into a pill and came up with Refollium. I know I did the right thing, helping millions of men and women find a natural cure to hair loss, but I was unaware of how angry this would make greedy doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. There’s no doubt my all natural hair loss solution is better than their expensive and harmful treatments, but isn’t stopping them from trying to shut us down. Refollium is a protest of everything the medical industry stands for. It’s the cheaper, all-natural alternative to surgery or toxic chemicals.
The secret is natural synergy. In addition to that obscure African fruit, Refollium contains a perfect blend of scientifically proven ingredients that stop hair loss at the source. Utilizing the best ingredients nature has to offer and the best scientific methodology, Refollium reduces excess DHT and excess collagen, the main causes of hair loss. Refollium also contains a wide array of vitamins medically proven to promote hair growth and improve hair quality.
It’s a fact: Refollium was chemically engineered to help Indian men and women to fight all stages of hair thinning and hair loss.
Ankur Benjari
I'm so thankful my wife introduced me to Refollium. I almost gave up on myself, and resigned to a life of being a baldy. Refollium gave me my hair and my confidence back. #Refolliumabout 1 week ago . Delhi, India
Avichal Garg and 154 others like this.
Anjali Surabalji
When I started losing my hair I didn’t know what to do. Thank heavens I found Refollium. I regrew my hair and feel so self-assured (even my doctor is amazed!) #Refolliumabout 1 week ago . Delhi, India
Avichal Garg and 154 others like this.
Proving to the world it works:
Dr Gaurav Gupta collaborated with MIT scientist Peter Molnar to prove that Refollium works to the world. In a clinical trial 97% of Refollium users reversed their hair loss and completely regrew their hair in as little as 30 Days. Refollium customers are unanimous, without the burden of hair loss they look years younger and feel much better about their overall appearance.
The doctor admits it's going to be a tough fight with the medical community and the pharmaceutical industry which is trying to get it banned, but it's imperative that the millions of Indians suffering from hair thinning and hair loss be given the chance to regrow their hair.
After several years and multiple clinical trials at The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU), Refollium is in production in full force. You can and will regrow your hair with Refollium. You will become the good-looking, healthy, and true version of yourself. It's only a matter of time before Refollium is dragged through the courts by the major pharmaceutical companies and expensive hair transplant surgeons who are seeing a decline in their profits. There are quite a number of celebrities who use Refollium to regrow their hair, all while living a life of perfect social and professional balance.
Putting Refollium To The Test...
We wanted to find out for ourselves if this product could actually do everything that it claimed. Most of the success stories talk about Refollium’s effectiveness, how it can regrow anyone’s hair in as little as 30 days. They also mention Refollium’s precise calibration of nutrients reverses years of hair loss and improves the health of your scalp, effectively improving the health of your hair.
This product is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Here's how to use the product in order to regrow your hair:
Take 1 capsule of Refollium every evening before bed.
Then, simply watch your hair grow!
Some of us were still skeptical… until our own reporter tried it.
After hearing so much talk about Refollium’s amazing results we at LifeStyle Hub decided to put it to the test. Reporter Raj volunteered to be the guinea pig for this hair solution because he had been suffering from hair thinning and hair loss for more than 10 years now. He dreamed of not having to worry about waking up with hair on his pillow. In order to try Refollium, he ordered the product online.
He chose Refollium on the basis that it had been clinically tested and approved at GNP Labs in Los Angeles, California - an organization renowned for their strict guidelines on supplements.
"Refollium was extremely hard to come by" says Raj. "If you can get your hands on this pill - get it right away. I had to wait 2 weeks before I got to test as it was sold out almost everywhere. People are desperately trying to stock it constantly so it's almost always sold out.”
Raj added, “The discounted bottle of Refollium was delivered in a few days after ordering and shipping was free, which was a nice bonus.” (But keep reading—there is now actually a risk-free trial offer that wasn't previously available).
Check out Raj’s amazing results…
30 Day Summary - Raj’s Refollium’s Results:
DAY 1:
I woke up, took one of the pills and then went to the shops. Throughout the day I felt great. It may have been in my imagination, but it was like I could feel my dormant hair follicles coming back to life. It was a feeling of hopefulness and happiness. Can’t exactly explain it - but it was awesome.
DAY 15:
I was shocked at the drastic results. Over the course of the next 2 weeks I found myself looking in the mirror more and more, examining my new, improved hairline. I felt that same tingle on my scalp every morning and I began to see new, healthy hairs forming on the top of my scalp. Personally, I felt myself becoming more confident and comfortable with my appearance. Even my friends began commenting on my new hair, “You look so great! What did you do?”
DAY 30:
After 30 days, not only had all my doubts and skepticism absolutely vanished - My baldness was completely cured. For the first time in years, I was able to run my fingers through my hair without fear of it falling out. I regrew my hair from my teenage years.
Look how great Raj looks after only 1 month of Refollium
My thoughts on Refollium?
This pill is the real deal. I’ve tried so many other so called “hair loss cures” but this is by far the only thing on the market that will actually regrow your hair. I hear very few people can get a hold of it. If you happen to come across Refollium, you can move on with your day and go about your life or you can spare 2 minutes and take what is the most important step to becoming the confident, self-assured person you want to be.
**Because of recent coverage in the media, supplies are running very low.
You can check to see if Refollium is still available here** Refollium was recently given honorary mention in INDIA TODAY printed and online magazine editions as being the pill that can 'turn your hair loss on its head'
Special Offer For Our Readers:
The result of 7 years of painstaking clinical research, Refollium is being tightly controlled in its distribution. But for a limited time, the makers of Refollium are offering our readers an incredible 60% discount! They believe that readers like you, those able to find Refollium despite limited advertising, are the sort of influential insiders they need to reach out to. So, to you and others like you, they are offering a limited-time, introductory price. All they ask is that, after you use Refollium and spread the word and tell others about your amazing results! So, get in on this great deal soon! But realize, this offer allows for only one bottle per customer. So, hurry, join the others who have tried–and loved Refollium–before the stock runs out!